Baby girl Cline (aka: embryo #5) coming this November! We finally got to see her today and listen to her heartbeat. She’s come so far from the transfer back in February. 💗🌸🌷🎀
We feel so lucky given the current circumstances. Jordan, our specialist, and I were looking at a couple timeframes for this baby’s frozen embryo transfer (FET). Jordan and I weren’t exactly sure why but felt we should pursue the earlier FET. Had we gone with the later FET date, we wouldn’t be having this baby for the foreseeable future. As it currently stands, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has suspended most assisted reproductive treatments during COVID19 with plans to reevaluate by today, March 30th. I would honestly be surprised if the ASRM’s previous guidance was rescinded. My heart goes out to the families whose plans have been flipped upside down for the next while. 💗. #IVF #FET #frozenembryotransfer#chromosomaltranslocation#chromosomalabnormality#7weekspregnant #7weekultrasound